Politics in America. "We the People" need to start being heard and stop letting others do our speaking for us! Health Care, Union Busting, Budgets, Elections. Speak up! Your Voice for Political Issues in America: Who Is Your God? An interactive question with telling answers

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Who Is Your God? An interactive question with telling answers

"...one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all".  How many of us have stood with our right hands over our hearts and recited the "Pledge of Allegiance?"  What does it really mean to us, if anything at all?

Are we one nation under God?  Whose God?  A God for some and not for others?

Here are some questions you need to ask yourself, and if you are honest, you will find out who your God is and upon whose guidance you follow:

  • Is your God one of discrimination, hate, and/or greed?
  • Is your God a "me-first" God? 
  • Would your God aspire to take away the basic life-sustaining underpinnings so that those who have the most can have more, such as trying to cut programs from Medicare designed to help seniors pay for health care they could not otherwise afford, or slashing programs providing food and medical care for children?
  • Would your God help the wealthiest people get wealthier through tax cuts, or subsidizing already profitable oil companies at the rate of $3.1 billion per year while taking away funding for programs designed to help create jobs, making sure all people had access to health care, and providing basic food and necessities for the poor and struggling?
  • Would your God let people die for the sake of balancing a budget; such as the state of Arizona who cut off life-saving organ transplants from people who needed them but ended up dying when denied these services so they could save money? 
  • Would your God put hardships on people trying to support their families, such as hard working low-income parents who rely on Headstart to not only prepare their children for entering school but also provide help with day-care, whose expense could otherwise drive them into a welfare system because they could not afford to pay?
  • Would your God rule out of fear and blackmail so that he and his minions could reap huge profits such as the likes of health insurance companies who continually drive up their prices while perpetually offering less, yet threatening that without them you will either go bankrupt or die, or both, depending on whether you take treatment or not?
So ask yourself:  In what "one nation under God” are you residing, and in whose image and likeness were you made after?  Are you staying true to the image of your God?

Are we indivisible? 

Does the law making body of our country work for the good of all?  What about that party of "NO"?  Did they work for the good of the people?  Did they work at all?  Whose interests did they have in mind?  Did they care that millions of people were out of work?  Did they propose anything that would help people find jobs?  Did extending tax cuts for the wealthy justify cutting programs for job creation and cutting basic programs for the poorest, most downtrodden people in our nation?  Did the party of "NO" care that people were being denied health care because of pre-existing conditions?  Does the Tea Party realize they are making “cutting spending” a bigger priority than the health and welfare of the citizens of this nation?

And what about "with liberty and Justice for all"?

Does the Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court actually take away (or mute) the free speech of the individuals who can't contribute the same megalithic amount of campaign advertising funds as Corporations, who have now been given permission to hijack the whole election process?  Have Union workers had their right to free speech taken away by the immoral actions of Republican Governors to de-fund, thus diminish the size of unions and union jobs?  Do you really want a government in the business of "demoting and diminishing" employees for the benefit of the Koch Brothers and other large corporate interests who would rather have oppressive business practices along with low wages?  Does liberty and justice mean that in order for you to have freedom it means less government, even if it devastates others?  Who gets the liberty and justice?  Doesn't that also come with responsibility for the "for all" part of that pledge?

Does that mean that those of you on Medicare would be willing to give up that “socialistic” program or would you be willing to have it extended to everyone?  Should all others either be victims of the insurance blackmail scam or die of their own diseases and despair borne of abject poverty?  Would you be willing to pitch in an extra 1% of your income to help your country out of this economic quagmire whether you are suffering from the effects of it or not (by the way, you are or will be suffering from it shortly because of skyrocketing prices).  Did your God teach you to only watch out for yourself?  What if Jesus had done that? 

So let me ask you again....Who is Your God?  Only you can answer that question, and you have to be able to live with your answer.



  1. This is a really great post to get people thinking about what they truly believe. If God is sitting up there watching what we're doing, I honestly believe he would not be impressed. Most of us believe in God in one form or another (I have had extensive discussions with a Muslim friend about whether or not Allah and our Christian God are one in the same), yet do we really do what we think God would want us to do? Some of the things that are happening in the world may seem unimportant to those people who they don't affect, but they matter. They are wrong and we should all ask ourselves what we should be doing rather than just accepting the world as it is.

  2. To be honest i think no one should say "my god is so and so and he helps me in becoming better at piano" for example, why should people refer god to something they can wish to succeed at, it sounds selfish, it sounds like god would only be there to sooth everyone's pains and solves everyones problems. I think the word "god" was invented to fill in for people fears on diseases, poverty etc I think the word god should be transformed to "hope" and we should give more credit to the "hope" as he is the one everyone beleives in until it shows good results. Some body can refer to god if they trully beleive in the life, death and resurections of jesus. Quoting in the text "Would your God put hardships on people trying to support their families" well it doesnt really make sense because god does not decided whether you should be poor or not, its what you do with ur life that determines that. People should take god as "hope" and beleive in hope as hope is the only way out of social irregularities.

  3. I've definitely noticed that those who most often claim to want God in their politics are the ones who tend to deviate from religious teachings of love and acceptance the most. Would Jesus have supported the wealthy and the well-off over the poor and the disadvantaged? I cannot see Jesus going up on a hill and preaching about how great capitalism is. He would have wanted to share with everyone and heal the sick and feed the poor. He wouldn't have hated people of color either. He was of middle eastern decent himself! I wish that the God we claim to trust in was the one of love that is at the root of the 3 main middle eastern religions.

  4. Let me start with a thorough commendation of the foregoing, well researched and seasoned article.In fact, this hypocrisy is not only resident here, but it is a universal phenomenon. Many polities that were founded on religious principles today inflicts the masses with all forms of hardships.

    In as much as I completely concede the fact that recent policies has belied our verbal confession and profession (as can be seen from the post,) I will quickly point out here that those religious principles and beliefs upon which our nation was founded, were the motivations behind the success of our founding fathers.

    Today, selfishness and fear has compromised the the same values we once held in premium.

  5. This is a great article. It is such a relevant and important subject. There are so many injustices done by Government. I agree that decisions do need to be made with the thought in mind that individuals in Government will one day be accountable to God for the decisions they make
    that affect so many lives.We all have a lot to consider and really should be examining our own conscience.

  6. So in reading your post it seems to me that your "God" is government and you have no understanding of how our government works. Throughout the article you took the position that Republicans were not god or even anti-god? It seems to me you think that if someone is for cutting government they are bad but tell me this, can you name one government program that does what it is suppose to do or cost what it is suppose to do? You can't because it can't. We would all be better off with less government intervention. Remember that any time the government spends money they must first, at the point of a gun, take it away from someone else who has earned it. I don't remember Jesus working that way in the bible I think he just helped people. Also in context of religion and good and bad God killed many more people than Satan.

  7. The politicians aren't working for God, they are working for the corporations. Thomas Jefferson introduced the idea of separation of church and state, and that's how it should be. Serving God should not be what the politicians are doing, but serving their constituents. I don't think any god would approve of the actions of America recently, except maybe Ares.

  8. In my own opinion, most people in politics always use the name of God in vain. The God that i know is just and has to sacrifice His life for everyone. This is not what we see happening in the government today. The government is ruling this nation for the interest of a few people, NOT for the majority. It is characterized by greed. Each has his own personal interests. Sad to say, this nation is lacking the guidance of a God that is just and righteous. In short, God is used to fool people.

  9. I don't really believe in a God, but if there was one evidently his style is 'laissez faire'. We all have free will, and I don't think a God can make the government, which is run by people, to do anything. Like Will commented, "The politicians aren't working for God, they are working for the corporations." Saying 'God bless America' at the end of the speech really has nothing to do with religion. But who knows, maybe God just took 'the separation of church and state' a little too seriously. ;)

  10. One nation under God, a nation who's God is money. It is ironic that the technologies designed to help us connect and be more aware is the same technology that made us blind to what is really going on around this country. With all the distractions of facebook or twitter, no one realizes how politicians fleeced this country to the brink of poverty and widened the gap between the rich and the middle class...all for the sake of their God (money). I agree with most of what was mentioned. It is disheartening to know that it's all about the good almighty dollar now, even when it comes to health. How can a viable civilization stomach a world where even medicines are put on patents so it can be sold for insane amount of profits. Medicare will now pay for a medicine to extend cancer patients lives to about 4 months for $90,000. Why should helping a person live cost that much. It's not a cure but an extension. No one profits from a cure. Treatments are more profitable. Forget Jesus, or Allah....the new God is money.

  11. You are confused between government of people and God, government is an entity make up by elected people representatives with fallacy and earthly temptation like each of us. While God is a righteous divine worship by many.

    While government may choose to cut spending, it is not all absolutely bad or good as you put it in your article, in time of economic hardship and ever rising level of national debt, any sensible government will need to cut excessive spending and restrict accessibility of social programs to everyone including the able body and well to do. It is in no way contradict to the wisdom profess in any religion teaching let alone in every major gospel.

    As ridiculous as it may sound, United States of America may not be the perfect model nation for all people on earth or for you, but it had lived by the very value and belief that it is of one nation under God with libery and justice for all, which had been the undeniable fact for hundred of years, to say otherwise is preposterous.

  12. Honestly, I believe most of these politicians could care less about God. They just use it to help them get elected. The ones that actually do like Mike Huckabee are so religious that it doesn't matter because in their mind they can say, or do anything they want as long as they can get away with it. Then at the end of the day they ask for forgiveness, and the slate is wiped clean in their mind. This is why I could never get into religion, because these people believe in a infallible book that was written by a very fallible species called man.

  13. The phrase 'under God' wasn't even in the Pledge of Allegiance until 1954, which, to me, is relatively recent. The Founders put separation of church and state into the Constitution and this has been eroded lately. So much so that we've got the Puritanistic Tea Partiers threatening to shut down the government if the rest of us didn't do as they wanted.

    Thank God that didn't happen, but even so, Thomas Jefferson must be spinning in his grave right about now, huh?

  14. This whole country is in a bad state. The rich should pay their due tax on their income. God is great but I think a lot of these politicians only each have their own agenda. What is best for them not what is best for the people.

  15. I don't get the main question in relation to the article since their is a separation of church & state in this country. Your article seems to challenge the American system with negative overtures. I'll try to share my perspective on your lack of faith in the "American spirit", the people in this great nation, and our "Constitution". Men/women may or may not be inspired by "GOD" when they deliberate on man-made social programs, national decisions, and the issues you referenced in your article. "GOD" has given us that choice and the choice to be "our brother's keeper" or even choose to be spoiled & selfish. Both political (major) parties in our country have always given into the whelms of the powerful & rich, who have generally been self-serving. Our founding father's doctrine is based on freedom, liberty, truth, and justice in the most purest since; however, man is a flawed being and will will forever have prejudice, bias, and or indifferent perspectives on any given subject based on his history, emotions, religion, and fears. The people will speak when they have truly had enough of unfairness imposed on them.

  16. I totally agree with this article. However, I believe that the addition of "God" is simply symbolic and is not restricted to any religion. I believe that God just represents protection, morality, strength, and justice.

    This opinion, of course, is idealistic. What America is supposed to represent.

  17. I think the cruelty and avarice will always exist in the world and even in our country. I beleive that one God has created this world but separated us all in terms of behavor, opinions and many other characters both positive and negative.I believe that the aim of our creation and existence is to learn from our mistakes and eventually to become better that we are now.

  18. Indivisibility is sort of a contradiction in itself in the sense that many WANT the Church and State to be divided. Religion in its own way is a type of government, lest we forget that in the Medieval and Gothic periods, Church was the government (Roman Catholic). If that is still the case and I believe in some ways it is, that would be two governments for one nation, essentially. The church has heavy influence maybe more so now on foreigners and immigrants, perhaps even Islam or other religions besides Catholic are imposing on the political factions and ideals and changing the minds of their congregation for their own political gain.

  19. This is a very interesting post. I particularly agree with where you indicated that many of our politicians claim to be so God-fearing and yet are willing to sacrifice people of this country to save a buck or two, usually by cutting services that are needed the most. Medicaid is one of the most important with the cost of health care for those of us with no insurance.

    To answer the question that you asked, no, I don't think our government works for the good of all Americans. I think the mostly work for themselves.

  20. This is a fascinating post. I agree with where you indicated that plenty of of our politicians claim to be so God-fearing and yet are willing to sacrifice people of this country to save a buck or, usually by cutting services that are needed the most.

    The government is ruling this nation for the interest of a few people, NOT for all. It is characterized by greed. Each has his own personal interests. Mournful to say, this nation is lacking the guidance of a God that is and righteous. In short, God is used to fool people.

  21. Your post is what I have been saying, along with my family, ever since the "Tea Party" movement started gaining momentum. They seem to want to impose "their God" on everyone in the U.S. - and try to claim it's what we wanted when we voted the Republicans in - forgetting that many republicans squeaked in with a slight majority of votes. They claim to speak for all us citizens - but they are NOT speaking for me! I don't want their God who wants the rich to get richer, and who doesn't care about us struggling citizens! I don't want their God who doesn't find a way to get my daughter the four thousand dollars worth of dental care she desperately needs. I don't want their God who can't help my son financially get to college because our income is just - and I mean just - above the "help" line. Yet each month we are behind on our bill payments.
    They wouldn't care if the elderly and ill died. They wouldn't care if women had babies they couldn't afford or take care of because funding for birth control and family planning was cut. I watch these republicans time and again - with their houses (note the plural) and cars and ivy league colleges their children attend. Their memberships in elite clubs. Their expensive clothes and top quality food. I can understand not wanting people to "mooch" off the government. I, too, get tired of seeing people pull out their independence cards for purchases such as steaks and ice cream cakes that my family, on my husband's paycheck, cannot afford. And I agree something needs to be done about that. But not at the cost of cutting programs for those who sincerely need them. If God truly exists, then we are, indeed, in those "end times". The antichrist is not one - it is those many who are causing strife and confusion among us citizens.
    Also, on the question of God and religion - who are they to claim a "Christian" nation for us? What of the Jewish population here? And the Islamic population? What of the atheists and agnostics?
    Right about now, I so wish I could afford to move to Canada!

  22. I also wanted to add - I read a comment by Ricky Gervais recently in Rolling Stone, where he noted all the people who thank God when they win an award. As he put it, does that mean God didn't care about all the others? That He wanted them and only them to win?
    That seems to be where the Tea Party and GOP are leaning. They want their God and their interpretations of Him to stand for all of us in this country. Apparently, God wants them to have what they want, and not the rest of us. Strange - at a time when several millionaires and billionaires said they wouldn't mind paying the higher taxes because it's not as if they would go broke from doing so (not the Koch brothers, I might add), the conservative right still thought they were fighting for their rights not to be taxes at a higher bracket. Strange how a God who always allowed for free will doesn't seem to in these cases.

  23. We aren't God. But asking ourselves what would Jesus do in our daily lives, could help other people immensely. Problem is People involved in politics don't usually do that. They usually ask themselves how can I get re-elected, or how can I make my backers or superiors happy(what bill or deed I have to pass or do). With MOST politicians what the people want, need, or think is a moot point until election time. In the government's fear of becoming a theocracy, they have forgotten why we parted with England in the first place. Yes,freedom of religion was part of it, but I am talking about the oppression of the people, being treated lower than dirt because they were not as rich/well connected as others. Our government is repeating England's mistake back then. We are forgetting the people and God.

  24. The politicians don't think about god or the people. They think about re-election and the buddy system. We the people have to do something about this. Not God. God is our inspiration, whoever God may be to you. But we are the ones that have to fix this godforsaken mess. We have to rethink how we the government should do things, how they should approach it. A new paradigm. Because the way the politicians think it should be done now, just isn't cutting it.

  25. My God is a God that did not create corporations in his image, only people. When we say 'one nation under God' it means we are one nation under the principles of good behavior. Politicians use God as a cover, often.

  26. My God is a perfect God who rules over His children that live in a world that isn't perfect. Of course I don't think God wants bad things to happen to people but here on earth we are all being tested. God could easily come down and fix everything but that's not what earth life is about. It is about the right we have to free agency to make decisions even if they hurt others. Yes it sucks that our country can be injust and misguided by spending energy and "less important" matters but it is impossible to have everyone be happy and everything to be fair. There is so much diversity and different views that some people will be unhappy with decisions made by politicians. I think the best solution is to make a voice for yourself and do all you can to enact change and hop to better things.

  27. WoW! What a powerful post! I've actually wondered and questioned some of these same things myself... I'm really glad someone is speaking out about it. People do soooo much evil in the world and it's always "blamed" on GoD. Countries go to war all in the name of GoD. "All of these atrocities are because God wants it that way", that's what "they" say. But not my Creator.. I stopped saying the pledge of allegiance a long time ago. What are we "pledging to"? Hmmmmmm? The answer is more intriguing than the question. No, I don't think God should be brought into politics...

  28. Very thought provoking post! Along with what some others have said, I have questioned some of this as well.

    Our Government is dictating what rules we live by and by what standards. They certainly do not care about what we really want unless it is the same thing that the ones lining their pockets care about.

    The Government will try to make money off of anything including religion which in turn corrupts and changes the group or parties they are involved with.

    The USA will never learn who the real enemy of the people are...

  29. Great article! As a social worker, working with individuals with severe mental illnesses I see the best and worst of government social welfare programs at work everyday. I don't think anyone could argue that we wouldn't want medicaid to provide these individuals medication. But I do see a lot of other government programs being abused (food stamps sold for cash to buy drugs, government funded housing used as drug havens etc etc). There's nothing wrong with social programs that help people, but at what point are we really hurting them? How can we teach people to help themselves and get ahead, not just rely on a government handout. Whether you believe in "god" in government or not, I think people from both sides of the "god in government" argument can agree that the programs we currently have to "help people" and the politicians we elect to implement them, need a serious overhaul and reassessment.
