This morning, the White House released the long form of President Obama's birth certificate in order to put the issue of his place of birth to rest.
The long form birth certificate states that Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and confirms his legitimacy as a United States President. The former short form, the "Certificate of Live Birth", released earlier was in fact a legal document issued by the State of Hawaii for purposes of demonstrating live birth in Hawaii.
The "birther" movement has gained momentum recently due to the efforts of the Donald who made this fake issue a central theme of his delegitimization efforts toward President Obama. Obama, in a brief appearance this morning said, "We do not have time for this kind of silliness," further stating, "I've got better stuff to do" In a remark to reporters he said he could not constantly walk around with his birth certificate plastered to his forehead to assure the public that he was in fact born in the United States.
Donald Trump, a potential 2012 presidential contender, has been using the question of Obama's birth place as a way of pressuring him to produce the "official" birth certificate. Upon the response of the White House, a true-to-form egotistical Trump declared he was able to get something done that no-one else has been able to do. In an impromtu press meeting in New Hampshire, he stated he was very proud of himself, “I’m taking great credit.”
“I’ve accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish,” he further said, “I want to look at it, but I hope it’s true so we can get onto much more important matters so the press can stop asking me questions.”
President Obama is hoping to put this birther issue to rest and get on with the business at hand, but it appears the Donald has already moved on to another vilification, questioning the validity of Obama's education. This appears to be the next item on the Republican hit list for Trump to run with.
Pat Buchanan, as a guest on msnbc's Hardball, gave us a hint as to the next step in the Republican agenda to de-legitimize the President in a blatant display of racism (see the video below), which leads this author to believe this strategy on the President's education has already surfaced as another preconceived GOP item on their play list. Buchanan's assertion was that Obama, in is attendance to Harvard and Columbia, benefited from Affirmative Action and that he should make his grades public, inferring that President Obama did not (or could not) earn his education on merit [because he was black]. The Donald is probably going to make this the next issue and run with it. If anything, this is a success story for the efforts by Affirmative Action, if in fact Obama was a beneficiary. If the GOP is going to adopt this issue to further delegitimize the President, it will virtually assure another large turn-out of black voters.
Trump's Manchurian Candidate
This is clearly a distraction orchestrated by the Republicans and executed by a circus clown "candidate" who has nothing to lose and a lot to gain from the publicity...or maybe not.
hired gun?
ReplyDeleteThey couldn't afford him...
I agree with Pat Buchanan that the questions of the President’s citizenship and educational background are legitimate. But these credentials should have been reviewed while Pres. Obama was running as a candidate. For Trump to base an opposing political platform on the President’s college grades and whether he’s a beneficiary of affirmative action instead of whether or not he’s making a positive difference in the lives of the American people is just petty. I think this will hurt Trump’s voter support more so than help it.
ReplyDeleteTrump would make a good candidate. We don't need anymore lawyers in Washington, we need people who can fix the budget. As for Obama's legitimacy, he is an American citizen without a doubt. Even if he wasn't born in America, his mom is without a doubt an American citizen which in turn makes him a citizen. I agree with the poster above, The GOP couldn't afford Trump.
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump has no chance of becoming the President of the US. I agree that the Republican party is using Trump de-legitimize Obama. But the Democrat's used the Liberal media in 2004 to de-legitimize President Bush's Military record when Dan Rather on CBS ran a false news story about his record. Dan Rather lost his job on CBS because of this. This is Politics 101, both parties try to bad mouth each others candidates every election. Trump is using this just to get publicity.
ReplyDeletei think that trump is a moron, he is just trying to damage Obamas image. i think that he wants to make this into a publicity stunt or some kind of spin off reality. its a pointless issue about a fake subject that has no political meaning, trump just wants to stir up some trouble.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on on D.Trump doing this because he has nothing to lose and a whole lot of gain of publicity. This is nothing new, this has been going on before Obama was even elected as president that people were questioning if he was really born in the U.S. Its that now, that D. Trump has taken it to the next level and taken it this far. As for no one remembering in him school, and getting into all these top of the line schools, it does sound fishy raises some doubts for me. As for Obama and his staff, I believe they should just come forward and counter-attack these accusations and get it over with. They say they have no time for this kind of silliness, but as long as this gets bigger and bigger... its going to start giving more Americans doubts and its going to comeback and hunt them in the reelections.
ReplyDeleteD. Trump being hired by the Republicans? Doubt they can afford him like Nerfball stated on the articles comments. Its just Republicans vs Democrats. Republicans stick with each other and Democrats with their own, thats how its been all the time.
This seems fairly conservative, I can see what they mean when they say this may be a play by the republican party to discredit our democratic president. However, this article and the video do raise some interesting questions.
ReplyDeleteSomething to think about, what was Obama's first job out of grad school? At Henry Kissinger's consulting firms. Henry Kissinger is one of the most powerful political figures in the world and he is very involved with president obama's affairs.
Donald Trump may be taking this too far. He is being very loud in the public press and it is not doing much to solidify himself as a respectable politician. It would be very good if the white house would release Obama's record from college and to hear from his college roommates, friends etc.
I find this all so irritating. How long has it been since ANY politicians went about the business of taking care of this country and its citizens instead of having playground fights? It's ABSURD. Affirmative action? Who cares? Regardless of how he got into the school, it is clear that Obama is an intelligent man who made the most of his education.
ReplyDeleteAnd re Trump- I hope no one expects him to balance the budget? He's declared bankruptcy THREE TIMES.
Now listen, it is my honest opinion that this whole birth certificate fiasco has gone on too long. It's completely irrelevant. There are too many problems, too many issues in our world, and especially in our country for people to be so worried about something so trivial as the president's test scores, and how he got them. We need to be focusing on current issues and how they're being handled RIGHT NOW. These Republicans are trying so hard to secure their spot at the top, to secure their own dollars to worry about real issues.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, Trump is known for being a bit extreme/radical, but for the most part I agree with his questions. They are legitimate questions that have been on a lot of our minds. Likewise I find it hard to believe that Obama went to many schools and yet nobody claims to have known him. I went to one college and am an antisocial hermit and I am willing to bet I can find at least a dozen people who acknowledge me going there.
ReplyDeleteLastly, I was disappointed in the host that he kept talking over Pat Buchanan and didn't allow PB to finish his statement or reply to things the host was saying. I think that's just an evasive tactic some of the hosts use. (like O'Reilly)
These people (Buchanan) are ridiculous they just make up lies because they cant stand to see a black man who is intelligent doing a better job then Bush. How can they question his intelligence when he finished magna cum laude at Harvard law, which is not an easy task. Affirmative action was created for a reason to help minorities get to school since they are under-represented in higher education and now they are against it because a black person actually used that to their advantage. The more i see these people on TV the more i think they are just blatant racists. They question Obama's education when Bush walked through school because of his father. This is why the country is going in the shitter. I hope Trump runs against Obama because because it will ensure a re-election. I don't think many people would vote for a moron such as Trump.
ReplyDeleteWell, I know this statement will not win too many friends but it's just an observation. In the big scheme of things, this is nothing more than a distraction. I agree there are far more important things going on than wondering about a "birth certificate" from a sitting US president. Most of the important things going on in our country right now were engineered in the first place. From the economy (planned destruction of the dollar) to the wars (industrial military complex). By the way, if you think those "democratic" uprisings just happened to pop up in thin air, you've got to turn off the mainstream media and get a detox! What the above video demonstrated so eloquently was a little exercise in thesis vs. anti-thesis. Chances are that Pres. Obama will serve a 2nd term. Now is the time to build momentum in "popular opinion" to paint him as the victim. True, this whole birth certificate thing is tasteless though it has some valid points. However, the powers that be understood that about him from day one. He was "selected" long before he was "elected". One of the best ways to hide your true agenda is to do it right in the public's face. Most of us are too dumbed down to recognize it because we have been conditioned that way. By the way,it's true the Republicans don't have enough money to "hire" Donald Trump. However, George Soros and company(one of Obama's benefactors) does.This is about a much larger issue. Do we care to look and see?
ReplyDeleteTrump always likes to get attention for himeself. Trunp has given himself an unbelievable amount of free publicity by having this topic debated by the likes of pat buchanan etc. trump is also playin the reverse race card by talking about affirmative action. Whether or not Obahma was born in us shouldnt matter.
ReplyDeleteWhy cant everyone just leave him alone? It seems to me that several people, not just Trump, is finding any way they can to get Obama out of office. As for Trump being a presidential candidate, he is a joke. None of the presidents have followed through on what they say they will do. Trump will be no different. So, he as well as everone else needs to leave him alone and let him finish out his term. If Trump thinks he can do a better job, then he needs to run. If elected, he will fail just like the rest of them.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Trump has not done anything for this country, so he needs to take a needle and poke a hole and deflate that big head of his.
At a time when our nation is in massive debt, in need of drastic health care and social security reform, and in a war, I am completely appalled that anybody is talking about something as petty as this. Why does it matter if President Obama was effected by Affirmative Action? I am currently in college and believe me, affirmative action is alive and well. I have seen people with lower scores, less extracurriculars, and a lower work ethic get into colleges that I was rejected from because of a differing ethnicity. However, Affirmative Action will only go so far. Those kids must have intelligence of their own. That is just the fact of the matter. I have accepted it, another others need to as well. The accusation that President Obama is some mysterious man is also completely skewed. Seriously now, do you think that he was allowed in the White House without a thorough background check? And even if for some reason he is not legit, I am perfectly fine with him as my president as long as he doesn't just mess around with these petty topics of the Republicans.