For those of you who would like to see life return to the way it was many years ago, where you owned your little house, could walk to the corner drug store to get your newspaper, bought your meat at the local butcher shop, bought your appliances from Joe’s appliance store, and kids could play outside in safe neighborhoods, these pleasures of life are being annihilated by corporations. The are taking away private entrepreneurship (read:
Harms Big Box Retail), and taking away our safe neighborhoods. When corporations, in meeting their bottom line goals, lower wages and remove programs for the poor, disabled, and aged you will see increasing crime, blight, and suffering.
Corporations are taking over our politicians, government, economy, and country. They have even acquired the power to overturn laws, such as in the case of the Citizen’s United ruling in the Supreme Court allowing corporations to make political contributions for political advertising, and now they are moving into the arena of entitlement programs in order to privatize and ultimately kill off both the programs and the people who rely on those programs. Why?
1.) to make as much profit as possible before they kill off the programs,
2.) to eliminate payroll taxes to the tune of 7.65% (matching funds for FICA and Medicare).
The corporations buy off politicians to accomplish their goals. For example: the Koch Brothers who bought off the Republican politicians in Wisconsin. Why?
1.) to reduce their payroll by eliminating union support for higher wages and salaries.
2.) to reduce and/or eliminate benefits by eliminating union support for benefits.
3.) to eliminate unions in order to take their competing political power off the table.
Everything about corporations are about the bottom-line at the expense of humanity. It reminds me of the conflict between science and spirituality. The mentality of the hard-core science community is that if it cannot be proven, it is not valid or doesn’t exist. Likewise in the corporate mentality, if it doesn't improve the bottom-line, it is useless and should be eliminated.
Taxes? What are those?
Below are a list of the top 10 corporations who either did not pay taxes, not much, or got a refund (compiled by Senator Bernie Sanders, Independent from Vermont):
10. Carnival Cruise Lines:$11 billion in profits, federal income tax rate:1.1 percent.
9. ConocoPhillips: $16 billion in profits from 2007 through 2009, $451 million in tax breaks.
8. Citigroup: $4 billion in profit, paid no federal income taxes.
7. Goldman Sachs:$2.3 billion in 2008 but only paid 1.1 percent in taxes.
6. Valero Energy: $68 billion in sales last year got a $157 million tax refund check from the IRS.
5. Boeing: $124 million refund from the IRS last year.
4. Chevron: $19 million refund from the IRS last year after earning $10 billion in profits in 2009.
3. General Electric: $26 billion in profits over the last five years, paid no federal income tax, $4.1 billion refund.
2. Bank of America: $1.9 billion tax refund last year, profits of $4.4 billion.
1. Exxon Mobil: $19 billion in profits, paid no federal income taxes. $156 million rebate from the IRS.
How do we change corporate behavior?
Although I hate to see people hurt in the process, I am heartened to see the citizenship of countries rising up to reclaim their country from corrupt dictators. I am also heartened to see citizens of this country rise up against the dictatorship of corporations (the union uprisings and recalls). It is time to start purging the gluttony of corporations and put it on a diet.
As long as corporations have the stronghold in this country, or even world-wide, it ain’t gonna get better. It will only get worse. So what do we do to change this pernicious situation that threatens to destroy this country?
1.) More transparency: Thanks to Bernie Sanders, we have an illustration of legal corporate thievery through loopholes in the taxation code.
2.) Become informed through non-partisan media sources in newspapers, on the internet, and/or on TV (that one is hard to find) such as or If you watch partisan news, be sure to watch both sides, then do to check the accuracy of what is being said...or just make your own analysis.
3.) Get the word out. Talk to people, email people, start a blog, start a movement.
4.) Contact your elected officials and tell them what you think (find out who they are by clicking
here). Volunteer for your candidates.
A friend of mine sent me this YouTube video that says it all.
There you have it. Let's work together to make this a gentler, kinder country and take back your freedoms and liberties from corporate interests. The time is NOW!